Madeeha Umar


A data analyst with a strong proficiency in SQL, Tableau, and Excel.
I love transforming complex data into actionable insights, enabling strategic decision-making, and driving business growth.
My expertise lies in effectively communicating data-driven solutions to support organizational objectives.

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My Data Analytics Portfolio

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Learn About My Projects

“The Winning Playbook” NBA Teams’ Performance Analysis for 2021-2022 with Tableau

The Winning Playbook is a detailed analysis of NBA team performance in the 2021-2022 season. Using Tableau, we visualized and explored various factors such as wins and losses, offensive and defensive efficiency. We analyzed individual player statistics like assists across different positions.

Employee Attrition & Perfomance: Statistical Analysis of HR Data with R

In this project, I utilized R to analyze HR data, uncovered insights into employee attrition, and optimized recruitment strategies through data-driven decision-making. I created scatter plots for correlations, conducted hypothesis testing, and constructed linear regression models.

Healthcare Analysis Using SQL

This project provides an in-depth analysis of the healthcare sector, focusing on patient demographics and health information. It examines the typical length of stay, readmission rates, and the correlation between lab procedures and hospitalization duration. Using SQL, we identify racial biases and determine which medical specialties have the highest procedure volumes.

World Bank Financial Analysis using SQL

This project provides insights into different countries’ borrowing transactions with the World Bank. We examined which countries have borrowed the most and their indebtedness to IDA. Using SQL, we analyzed how these countries allocated loan funds to ongoing projects and their repayment status to IDA.

Massachusettes Education Analysis Using Tableau

In this analysis, I assisted the education department and school administration in uncovering insights on factors affecting graduation rates. Using Tableau, we examined how changes in classroom sizes impact the percentage of students attending college each year, yielding valuable findings.

DoorDash Sales Analysis Using Excel

This project explores the relationship between customers’ income and their spending behavior on DoorDash. We examined various factors and patterns that may influence the portion of their income allocated to DoorDash. We utilized scatter plots, bar charts, and histograms to visualize the data.

My Projects



